(01209) 710999
INRstar N3 Help

INRstar's Most Frequently Asked Questions

Below is list of the most frequently asked questions asked by INRstar users.

If you have a question that is not answered on this list please email your question to support@inrstar.com

No schedule is given for the suggested dose because the selected tablets for this patient cannot create the suggested dose.

However INRstar will offer you all the other schedules that include tablets you haven’t selected for your patient that and create the correct dose, INRstar will also have on this list alternative doses with tablets you have and haven’t selected. 

E.g. the suggested dose ends in 0.8mg or 0.2mg meaning a 0.5mg tablet is needed to meet the correct dose.

The reason other tablet strengths appear when only certain strengths are ticked is when it is not possible to give the suggested dose

i.e.  The suggested dose ends in 0.8 or 0.2 meaning a 0.5mg tablet is needed to meet the correct dose.

When this happens INRstar shows all other combinations of schedules including an alternative dose.

This is to give the user more flexibility.

When adding in a patient’s INR treatment you can click on current to use the last selected schedule.

This is because INRstar will work out the new dose using the dose taken.

Add the previous INR on the same date but complete with the dose the patient actually took.

If the dose has increased or decreased it may be that dose rounding has been activated.

You do not have adequate permissions, manual dosing can only be done by someone with Clinical Level 3 permissions.

The algorithms are only accurate up to 15mg daily, any higher dose needs to be added manually. To add a manual INR, change the dosing method in Clinical details.

You can record a dose up to 30mg daily.

The National Patient Safety Agency dosing is there to ensure that the patient will receive the same dose every day, as recommended by NPSA. Previous versions of INRstar did not adhere strictly to the NPSA recommendation of producing the same dose every day for a patient.

One of the patients has probably been deactivated. Make sure you have ticked include inactive patients. When you have found the incorrectly duplicated patient record you will need to change their demographic details, this will stop the message reappearing.

You have incorrectly entered your password too many times. You can wait one minute and try again or get your password reset. Ask your location administrator to do so, if they are not available call our office on 01209 710999.

You can book your staff on a recorded webinar training, please click here

You can also call 01209 710999 or email support@inrstar.com

Click here for step-by-step instructions to create a new user.

There are two levels of access, please ensure you are logged into the correct account. Your clinical lead login will have the user name name@clinical.

All NEQAS results can be recorded in the EQC section of INRstar, click here for more information.

Category: Patients