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TTR Benchmarking Service

It is now accepted that the best measure of overall anticoagulation control of a service is Location TTR (Time in Therapeutic Range) otherwise known as Centre TTR (cTTR).

Our comprehensive TTR Benchmarking service allows you to compare the Location TTR value at your own INRstar location with the TTR for all patients within INRstar. This data is collated from over 2,800 INRstar locations across the UK, delivering a timely, clinically accurate and meaningful benchmarking service. 

On the first working day of each month we will post to this article the TTR for all patients within INRstar using the TTR Trend Over Time report. You will be able to run the same report (TTR Trend Over Time) for your own location and compare the TTR for all your patients with the data posted here.

As at 31 May 2020 the Location TTR for all INRstar patients treated over the previous 12 months was 76.7%. Poller et al. define the marker of safety and efficacy of a service provider as a Location TTR of >57.5%.

Category: Reports