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INRstar N3 Help

Understanding Roles and Permissions

Roles and Permissions

Each practice or organisation's INRstar Location Administrator and Location Clinical Lead will have to ensure each user is setup with the correct roles and permission within INRstar. 

Due to the potentially serious clinical consequences of an incorrect warfarin dose it is important for your organisation to limit INRstar access to staff who are familiar with the management of anticoagulation therapy and who have been trained in its correct use, see 'Related Content'

Below are some descriptions for each permissions level, to the top right-hand of this page in 'Related Content' is instructions for the Location Administrator or Location Clinical Lead to edit these roles and permissions and below that in 'Additional files' is a printable image of the permissions (as seen on the software).

Important Notice

It is the organisations responsibility to determine their Anticoagulation Protocols specifying which Clinical Roles can undertake certain treatment activities. The allocation of roles to users should comply with local protocols.
All Clinical Users of INRstar who are involved with patient treatments should regularly attend updates in Anticoagulation.

Clinical Level 1 - e.g. HCA / Phlebotomist

A Clinical Level 1 user is able to edit demographic details, update patient’s notes, enter a new INR and save a suggested treatment which includes the dose and review period. An understanding of the implications of an abnormal reading would be required. This role can save treatments for patients with an in range INR result. An out of range result will be referred to a Clinical Level 3 user. This role cannot override a suggested dose or review period.

Clinical Level 2 - e.g. Registered Nurse

A Clinical Level 2 user would have all the permissions of Clinical Level 1 plus being able to inactivate and reactivate patients, make changes to patients clinical details and complete out of range treatments. This role cannot override a suggested dose or review period or change the patients treatment plan including target INR and duration.

To have higher level access users should have completed the prescribing course.

Clinical Level 3 - e.g. GP, Lead Clinical Nurse, Pharmacist

A Clinical Level 3 user has all the permissions of Clinical Level 2 plus being able to authorise referrals from users with a lower level of permission, make changes to suggested doses and suggested review periods.  

Location Clinical Lead - e.g. Lead GP

A Location Clinical Lead takes ultimate responsibility for all users of INRstar. They ensures all users are adequately trained in the use of INRstar and have a good understanding of Anticoagulation.

This level allows new accounts to be created and disable existing. It allows a complete view of the audit trail of all changes made to records by users.

Organisation Clinical Lead - e.g. Lead GP

The Organisation Clinical Lead is the most senior user of INRstar .This role can only change the dosing defaults and add a new diagnosis.

Location Administrator - e.g. Practice Manager

This level is a non-treatment level. This role allows testing location reports to be run, patient's treatment records can be viewed but not amended. Only the Location Administrator and the Location Clinical Lead have control over user accounts and can assign levels of permissions.

Clerical 1 - e.g. Admin Assistant, Receptionist

This level is a non treatment level. Patient records can be viewed and demographic details can be updated. This role can view INRstar reports.

Clerical 2 - e.g. Clerical Administrator

This level is a non-treatment level. A Clerical Level 2 user would have all the permissions of a Clerical Level 1 user plus, dosing diaries can be printed, treatment comments, patient notes can be edited and a patient's Next Test Date can be changed within a limited date range. Clinics can be viewed and appointments booked/moved within a limited date range.

Clerical 3 - e.g. Senior Clerical Administrator

This level is a non-treatment level. A Clerical Level 3 user would have all the permissions of a Clerical Level 2 user plus the ability to add historical treatments and manage patient treatment plan details.

Read Only - e.g. Admin Assistant, Receptionist

This level is a non-treatment level. This level of permission provides read only access to Patient Records.

Category: Manage User Accounts
 Resetting User Names and Passwords