How do I set a patient up to self-test?
Our self-testing programme is easy to set up, just follow these three steps and once your patient (or their carer) have demonstrated competence in performing their INR test and submitting it via the engage app, they will be ready to self-test.
Step One – Sign up
Make sure your patient’s record has a valid email address and phone number in INRstar. Once they have consented to be contacted by us and join the self-testing programme, tick the checkbox on the 'Self-Care' tab and click ‘Send Email’. At this point, you can give them a 'Next Steps' card so that they know what to expect.
We will contact and guide them on how to self-test via the engage app.
Step Two – Clinical authorisation
Before your next appointment your patient will train on how to self-test via the engage app.
On your next appointment ask your patient to:
- Show you in their engage app that they have completed their training – this will show as a tick on each of the training modules
- Perform an INR test on their own INR meter
If you are happy that your patient (or their carer) knows how to self-test, go to the Self-Care tab in INRstar and click that they have completed their training and that you authorise them to self-test. Please note: the final authorisation of a patient to allow self-testing must be done by an INRstar user with a Clinical Level 2 or higher access permission level.
Please note: whilst your patients are in training, the engage app does not record their INR result and it does not send the result to your clinic. Once you authorise the patient to self-test, their INR results will be recorded in the engage app and sent to your clinic for you to dose your patient through INRstar.
Step Three – Quality check
On this appointment you may also check your patient’s INR on your clinic’s INR meter which serves as the first quality check of your patient’s INR meter. It is important that your patients periodically bring their INR meter to you for quality control testing. Every six months is a good time to check their INR meter against yours.