(01209) 710999
INRstar N3 Help

What is the DOAC support programme?

Our self-care programme for patients on a direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) enables you to reduce time in clinic and help patients to understand their anticoagulation therapy.

The programme is delivered via engage, our easy-to-use patient app available on smartphones, tablets and web. engage interfaces directly to INRstar, helping you to eliminate transcription errors and supporting you to stay connected to your patients.

The programme includes:
  • Easy-to-follow educational videos on your patient's DOAC, any possible side effects, clotting or bleeding symptoms and how to use engage
  • Digital reviews completed by your patients remotely supporting you to follow NICE guidelines on DOAC monitoring and to find out how they are getting on

What benefits can you expect to see?

We manage the whole set-up process for you, including all patient education and support so that you can:
  • Increase follow up and monitoring of DOAC
  • Support tablet adherence
  • Follow NICE guidelines without significant impact on clinic time
  • Improve health outcomes

Get in touch to find out more

Call us now on 01209 710999 or email us at support.engage@inrstar.com for more information.
Category: DOAC support programme