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Patients Accessed Elsewhere using External Patient Lookup

·         This report shows which of your patients have been searched for or viewed by a user at a third party location. (To           see who has been viewing your patients and why).

Use this report to:

·         Show which of your patients have been searched for, but not viewed

·         Show which of your patients have been searched for and viewed

Note that report can be filtered by:

·         Date range

·         Testing Location

The External Patient Lookup has a 2-stage process:

·         The individual patient is searched for and minimal details are returned (Shows the minimum view – All fields, Full           name, D.O.B, Gender, Postcode, Testing location)

·         The full patient details are viewed – (Shows all fields and treatment plan view)

The report will show only the highest level of detail view used, per patient.


Please note:  Treatments are not shown on this report – these are highlighted within each Patient’s Treatment History, supported by Patient Notes and Audit Records.

Please look under 'Additional files' on the right-hand side of this page to view or download an example report.

Category: My Patients