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INRstar N3 Help

TTR Trend Over Time Report

This report shows the trend of Time in Therapeutic Range (TTR), calculated as a percentage, for patients who were treated by your practice. The trend is calculated by dividing the total days in range by the total days in treatment for all patients in the previous 12 months. This annual “window” is recalculated every month, and the graph shows these results, over a date range you can specify.

You can filter the data by diagnosis and/or by their current registered location. This report is useful for seeing how an individual practice / location, or group of practices / locations’ TTR is changing over time.

Use this report to:

  • give an idea of whether your location improving it's TTR in the last 12 months

The first 2 weeks of all treatments are excluded from the calculation, even if the patient was using a maintenance dosing algorithm.  In addition, all induction treatments are also excluded. 

Induction treatments are those where the 'induction' flag was ticked.  This flag is automatically ticked if the patient is on one of the built in induction algorithms.

Please Note: This report contains changes made to INRstar from the previous day and not from the day the report is run.

Please look under 'Additional files' on the right-hand side of this page to view or download an example report

Category: Warfarin Control