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INRstar N3 Help

Skip or Boost

Features & Benefits:

  • You can Skip or Boost for up to 3 days
  • Original Schedules and review dates are not reset
  • Allows a temporary adjustment to your patient’s dose which can be printed out
  • Developed based on user feedback
  • All information is filed back to your clinical system
  • Recorded in INRstar keeping a full audit trail
  • Quick and easy to use

Clinical Safety

The Skip or Boost feature cannot be used in the following situations:

  • the selected schedule already has Omit Days
  • the schedule is less than 7 days
  • cannot be actioned by users with a role of less than Clinical Level 3
  • cannot be used for patients on induction or manual dosing 

In addition, Skip or Boost is:

  • not enabled for patients using engage or any of the care programmes
  • only available when adding a new treatment
  • only available for use with warfarin treatment plans
Add your patient's INR, as usual:

Click the 'Suggest Warfarin Dose' button, then review and 'Confirm' the details.

To Skip or Boost your patient's schedule, use the 'Skip or Boost' button.

The warfarin dosage to be taken for up to the first three days of the schedule can now be adjusted.

Changing the Dose

You can change the daily dose, you'll use the buttons along side each of the three days:

To reduce the dose to be taken on any day, use the negative buttons to step down by 0.5mg.

To increase the dose, use the positive buttons to step up by 0.5mg.

To skip warfarin completely for any day, either use the 'Skip' button, or reduce the dose to zero using the negative button.

To cancel any dose changes, use the Reset button:

When all the necessary dose changes have been made, use the 'OK' button to update the schedule. 

You will now see the proposed schedule, with the Skip or Boost days followed by the regular schedule days.

Saving & Printing

Save the treatment as normal, noting the warning about the possible number of pages for the diary.

INRstar will add a comment to the treatment to indicate a Skip or Boost process was used.

Category: Treating Warfarin Patients