How to File a Patient's Treatment into TPP SystmOne
Please Note: In TPP SystmOne you must have the current patient’s record open, so that INRstar can save the new treatment information into TPP SystmOne.
Within INRstar you are able to save a patient's treatment information back into TPP if the patient was pulled from your TPP SystmOne system.
Step 1
Search for your selected patient.
Then view their treatment record.
Then add a new INR.
When you click the 'Save' button, the system will then check that you have the right patient open in TPP SystmOne before asking if you want to file the treatment back to your clinical system.
Once the patient’s details have been found in TPP SystmOne, the following message will be displayed.
- Date
- Suggested warfarin dose
- Omit days
- Review Period
- Next INR test date
- 12 month TTR
Once saved the patient's record will be displayed.
Clicking the 'Cancel' button will only save the treatment into the patient’s record in INRstar and not into TPP SystmOne.
If the INRstar patient details do not match the current patient in TPP SystmOne, the following message will be displayed.
If this happens, select the correct patient in TPP SystmOne and click the 'Retry' button.
When the treatment is successfully filed, the following message will be displayed.